Today Ann Arbor, tomorrow, THE WORLD (this is not a local book fair, obviously)
In spite of having authored or co-authored several books, a couple of optioned screenplays, and a lot of magazine and web articles, I’ve never thought of myself (and still don’t) as a writer. That’s why I recently decided to do more writerly things, like exploring some of the many writers’ groups Ann Arbor has to offer. On the other hand, I DO think of myself as a media content creator and publisher, which is why it’s a little odd that for some time now, I’ve loathed the idea of attending book fairs, festivals, and conventions. Hitting the book fair and convention circuits is a no-brainer if you actually want to market your books and create a presence as a publisher, but like many authors or indy publishers, I convince myself that I don’t have the time to attend book fairs and conventions, or make some other excuses. I’m a big fan of challenging my own comfort zone, so I’ve decided to change that. Continue reading Braving Ann Arbor Book Fairs