Product Description
Congratulations! You passed the test and have an amateur radio license.
Now what?
This book, 21 Things to Do After You Get Your Amateur Radio License, tells you what. The 21 different activities will not only suggest things you can do with your ham license, but more importantly, how to have fun with amateur radio.
You’ll discover:
* How and why to join a club
* What things to think about before you buy a radio
* How to set up a “shack”
* Why you should build a kit or an antenna
* How to learn Morse Code
* How to participate in public-service and emergency communications events
Plus much, much, more…
The author, Dan Romanchik, KB6NU, has been an amateur radio operator for more than 40 years and has helped many newcomers get their amateur radio licenses. His “No Nonsense” Technician Class and General Class Study Guides have been used by thousands of people, and he regularly teaches ham radio classes in Ann Arbor, MI. His ultimate goal is to help all radio amateurs have more fun in the hobby.
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